Tuesday, February 17, 2009

You gotta getcha getcha getcha head in the game.

Please someone help motivate me. Somehow my competitive bone has been deactivated the past 2 weeks. I haven't even done my own challenges. But more than that we have the stupid inspectors coming on Monday next week and looking at it now they'll throw is out in a heart beat. HELP!


  1. Another inspection! At least you know about it beforehand this time. For me it is all about baby steps. Lots of small goals eventually lead to a finished house.

  2. I tried to comment on this post several times yesterday, but for some reason blogger wouldn't let me. Anyway, I'm glad that you got over your slump. One thing that helps me when I feel totally behind is to have Ken take Abe out of the house for an hour or two. Then I put a book on my iPod and devote the whole time to finishing. It is so much easier with the house empty.

  3. I wanted to comment, but I wasn't sure what kind of motivation would work. Yelling? Name calling? Guilt? Calm reassurance? Anyway, it looks like you did a much better job of motivating yourself than I would have done.
