Sunday, February 1, 2009

5 Minute Challenges beginning 2/2

1. Wash off kitchen table legs (thanks for the idea Andrea)
2. Wipe down window sills
3. Change burned out lightbulbs
4. Disinfect outside of garbage cans
5. Clean tops of baseboards

That was not as easy as it looked. Also, 5 minutes for me is different from 5 minutes for others- I have 10 lightswitches in my kitchen alone.


  1. So, since I already did my table legs... they are considered "done"?

    The rest of the challenges look great, I love the trash cans one.

  2. Are we suppose to do all the baseboards in the house? I did just the bathroom today and it took me 20 minutes. Also I started to keep my score this week. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to wait until the end of the week or what.

  3. I'm with you Tami, there's no way I will be able to remember on Saturday what i did or didn't do on Monday. I was wondering that too.

    I got the garbage cans done, and I just did my window sills a week or so again, but I'm going to go ahead and do them again, they could use it.

  4. Tami, I think that if you do 5 minutes worth, that counts. Like I only did the baseboards and window sills in the main living area. That took over 5 minutes each. However, I did all the kitchen table legs and that took at least a 1/2 hour (but once I started I wanted to get done).

  5. I finally finished them all! Hooray. My garbage can was definately in most need. I also did baseboards in the front room, hall, and kitchen. My window sills were pretty dusty too! Good challenges Charlotte!

  6. I have points but I don't know how to give them to myself. I must be the only dumb one.

  7. Ok, I finished what I can do today. I am not sure on the points so this is how it played out for me:
    made bed 5/6 days= 5 points
    swept 6/6 days = 6 points+5 bonus = 11 points
    vacuumed 3/6 days = 3 points
    dishes 3/6 days = 3 points
    all 5 min. challenges = 5points+5bonus=10 points
    laundry = 5 points
    mop = 5 points
    bathrooms = 5 points
    weekly challenge = 30 points

    for a grand total of 77 points, my only question is if sweeping and vacuuming are separate or together? If they are together then that drops my points by 11 for a total of 66 so let me know. Hope I do better next week!

  8. I had thought that for the daily points it was only M-F that we counted, but that you had until Saturday to finish other challenges? I think we should seperate sweeping and vacuuming? Like I said before I don't vacuum everyday, maybe if it were seperated out though, I could just vacuum one room every day??
    Anyway, here is my point breakdown (I'll seperate vacuum and sweeping like Brenda did)
    Make Bed 5/5 + 5 bonus = 10
    Swept 5/5 + 5 bonus = 10
    Vacuumed 2/5 = 2
    Dishes 5/5 + 5 bonus = 10
    5 min challenges 5/5 + 5 bonus = 10
    Laundry = 5 (I think this is the first time every I put Abe's laundry away the day it was washed)
    Mop = 5
    Bathrooms = 5
    Challenge 30 + 20 bonus = 50
    total 107 / 115 possible
    (I can change this if we are going on a 6 day basis instead of 5....Charlotte?? What do you think?)

  9. I also thought that the daily challenge was M-F for a total of 5 possible and all other challenges ended Saturday. I thought that the sweeping/vacuuming could be up to each person. I interpretted it for me as sweep the kitchen floor every night. Vacuuming everyday would be a but difficult for me because it would involve having the entire downstairs picked up every night and I usually do that in the mornings. But if everyone else wants to split it into two categories, I'm willing to give it a try.
