Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tip- Electric Knifes

I don't know if you are all aware, but we eat almost exclusively homemade bread.  Over the summer my friend shared a wonderful tip that has made sandwich making with homemade bread a lot easier.  The problem is that it's hard to get bread thin enough.  The solution?  Electric knife.  You can get the bread extremely thin and it makes homemade bread a lot more usable.  Hope this helps someone!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Assignments- week 1

5 Minutes: Kim
Weekly: Tami

We are beginning our new cycle this week.  Make sure you tally your points for last cycle up ASAP.  Happy cleaning!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekly Challenge

Our challenge this week is: Deep clean the floor in at least one room.

Here's a few ideas-
  • Mop the floor
  • Clean baseboards
  • Using a scrub brush or sponge, clean edges and corners
  • Clean/spot clean carpets
  • Vacuum edges
If anyone else has a great idea to include, please share. Get down on your knees and scrub!

5 Minute Challenges

The Challenges are up and on the side bar! Enjoy your cleaning this week.

Assignments- Week 4

5 Minutes: Brenda

Weekly: Andrea

Tips: LeAnn

Happy cleaning & Halloween prepping!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

5 Minutes for the Week:

5 Minutes for the Week:

1. Top of washing machine/dryer
2. Closet floor
3. TV screens
4. Front of fridge, oven, microwave, dishwasher
5. Dust book shelves

Weekly Challenge - Some Things Never Change

I seriously thought about making this closets again. I know that is super sad. Instead I decided on my other favorite: cleaning the car. So, this week clean out the inside of your cars and vacuum and/or clean the outside of your car. You can do either / or, but I'm planning on doing both. If you just want to go to a car wash for the outside (that is what I'm planning on) that counts. If your cars look anywhere close to mine, good luck.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Assignments for This Week

5 Minutes: Charlotte

Weekly: Kim

Tips: Tami

Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm Sorry.......So Sorry!

I know I dropped the ball pretty big this week by not assigning a challenge. Hope you all enjoyed your week off. I was hoping that this last week would be better, and it was off and on. I am crossing my fingers again for this week, I just never know how we will all feel. Morning sickness has mostly passed on (never to be felt again :) the only problem now is the weather turning cold and my kids and I taking turns on who feels sick that day. Anyway, I REALLY hope to do better this week. I have to get caught up in order to get my Halloween costumes done in time. (and if I don't do laundry soon, it will be quite noticeable) Anyway, everyone go ahead and take the points for the challenge, drink some hot chocolate and have a nice week.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tuesday Tip

Lately, I've noticed a lot of socks missing from the laundry. It seems every week for the last month or so I find at least two-three pairs of Barlow's without a match. Then, one day as I vacuumed under the computer desk, I found this:Apparently, everyday when Barlow sits down to work at the computer he takes off one sock. Just one.

My tip for the week: It appears the "dryer ate my socks" conspiracy is a myth! HUSBANDS are the real sock thieves. If you find a sock with no match, check your husband's favorite hang out spot. Because mine can't be the ONLY one who does this... right?

Monday, October 5, 2009

This week's assignments- Week 2

5 Minutes: Mom
Weekly: Brenda
Tips: Andrea

Happy Cleaning!