Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Oven and a Bonus Tip!!

There isn't too much in a before and after picture for the oven, but I did want to post this. I started using these a few years ago. You can buy a 2 pack for like $3 at Wal-Mart. You just pop it in the bottom of your oven and it catches everything. Then, every 3 or 4 months I pull it out and replace it. It really comes in handy when you have a bad spill that typically would smoke up your kitchen the next few times you used the oven. Anyway, I was really glad to get my oven cleaned. Great challenge. Oh, when I buy the 2 pack, I actually put them both in and then I can just pull the top one off when I am ready and I don't have to worry about storing it.

On another note, I am currently reading a book that takes place in Nazi Germany. When I opened the oven after it was done self cleaning, all I could think about were the gas chambers. Isn't that terrible?

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