Monday, November 15, 2010

Kim's Week

I'm with Charlotte. I'd rather not count my points last week, but I will.
Daily 3x10 = 30
2x3 = 6
5 minutes = 0
Weekly = 0
Mop = 0
Laundry = 0
Goals = 0
Bathroom = 5
Total = 41

It really seems more dismal than my week was. I feel like I got a lot of other things accomplished and Sunday I totally cleaned up and I feel ready for this week.

I'll keep my daily cleans the same as last week. I will also keep my 5 minute and weekly challenge the same, since I didn't do any of them.

I'm IN!

OK, I am not sure why I have had a hard time with the blog, but I am dedicated this week (and I plan to call everyone else and make sure they are in too) I have been doing OK on my housework lately. Getting more organized and trying to feel more comfortable in my own house. Maybe if I work out my struggles I will be able to get over them. I am working on the most basics of skills like cleaning up meals right after the meal, or picking up my towel everyday, or cleaning up projects right after I do them. I have started some new goals to work on these things.

1. Start dinner earlier. If I wait and do dinner between 6:30 and 7:00 there is just not enough time to do the dishes before bedtime for the kids, but if I do dinner between 5:00 and 5:30, there is plenty of time.

2. Start bedtime earlier. If I wait until 8:30 to start bed time then I am rushed and exhausted trying to get the kids in bed before 9:00. If I start bedtime at 7:30 then they have time to straighten up their rooms and the upstairs, and I can usually work in a book or two to the little ones before it gets too late.

3. Make my bed as soon as I get out of it. This tends to keep my bedroom a TON cleaner. Not sure what the difference is but it seems to make one.

4. Get up earlier. For anyone who knows me well, knows this is a tough one. I was doing really good, then I got sick (of course) But I am feeling better and hope to start working on this one again. I find it helpful to have breakfast ready before the kids wake up.

So those are the things I am going to work on this week. I hope they make it a successful week. Thanks for listening, or just skimming, either one.

Weekly roundup- Charlotte

I don't want to talk about last week.  I just don't. :(

But I will.

So for daily stuff, things did not go well:
Bed: 10
Vacuum: 2
Dishes: 2
Sweep: 2
Scriptures: 2
5 Minutes: 0


Weekly I did better:
Mop: 5
Laundry: 5
Bathrooms: 5
Goals: 5
Weekly Challenge: 20



Anyway, this week I am keeping the normal cleans.  I am keeping last weeks 5 minute challenges and my weekly goal will be ... pack up toys

Happy cleaning!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Weekly Totals/Goals Charlotte

I was almost on track last week.  I was so close to getting it done and then totally lost focus at the end (story of my life).

Here is my score:
Dishes: 10
Vacuum: 10
Bed: 10
Scriptures: 10
Sweep: 10
5 Minutes: 4 (That would be 8 boxes done)


Mop: 5
Laundry: 5
Bathrooms: 5
Weekly Goals: 5
Weekly Goal: 0 (This is were I lost focus, BTW)


Total: 94/120


This week I have already been working hard on my stuff, I just haven't had time to post it yet.  My daily is the normal 5, my weekly is still the playroom toys, my 5 minutes are:
  1. Upstairs bathroom closet
  2. Downstairs bathroom closet
  3. Craft Table put away
  4. Top of washing machine (I took the picture, but didn't clean it off)
  5. Under coaches
Does someone else want to do What It Looks Like Now?  Otherwise I will post something this evening.  Happy cleaning!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly Score and Challenge Nov 1 - 7

I'm actually cleaning my house this month, shocking I know. I'm almost recovered from Halloween madness and totally ready for this. My score isn't perfect, but I'm happy.
Daily 4 x10 = 40 + 1x3 = 3 = 43
5 minute = 10 = 53
Mop = 5 = 58
Bathrooms = 5 = 63
Laundry, weekly goals = 0
Weekly = 30 = TOTAL = 93
My weekly clean was my fridge, but I got ambitious and did my spice cupboard and pantry too. I don't have before pictures, but you should be grateful for that.

This week my Daily are Dishes, Scriptures, Bed, Sweep, and hang my clothes up (yes this is a big problem area for me)
My 5 minutes are: 5 kitchen cabinets.
My weekly clean is the freezer, hopefully my fridge's freezer and also my deep freeze.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekly Total 10/24-10/31

I am so proud to show you my weekly challenge pics this week! It took Barlow and I working together to get it done, but it's DONE. And I am praying I can keep it looking this way, since my mom will be sleeping here in a little over a month. Drumroll, please...

Notice that along the way we acquired another monitor. Oh, the joys of living with a geek.
You might also notice that when I took the picture as we started the cleaning, the sun is shining through the window. When we finally finished, it was almost 11pm.
Point Totals:

vacuum- 3
sweep- 10
bed- 4
dishes- 3
scriptures- 2
= 22

weekly- 30
goals- 5
laundry- 5
mop- 5
bathroom- 5
5 min- 3
= 53

Total= 75

This week my weekly challenge will be cleaning the carpets. I got a new cleaner system and I'm really excited to try it out!!

End of cycle/ weekly cleaning/WILLN (Charlotte)

I don't even want to talk about last week.  It was NOT pretty. I did get a lot done, it just wasn't in the housekeeping area of my life.  But Halloween is over and I am ready to start the new cycle!!

Everyone get your totals in for the last cycle (unless you are too embarrassed like I am) and I will announce the winner. I'll even try to get together something to send out as a prize.

Anyway, this week I am already started on my lists.  I have finished the kitchen, mopped the floors, started the laundry and after writing this I'm off to scrub the bathrooms.


My daily goals will be the regular 5. My 5 minute cleans will be
  1. pack 2 boxes 
  2. pack 2 boxes
  3. pack 2 boxes
  4. pack 2 boxes
  5. pack 2 boxes
I figure 5 minutes a day until we move should be good.  Right? I hope so!

My weekly clean, I think, will be my playroom. It is, once again, a mess.


As far a WILLN, let's do the top of the washing machine/dryer.  Mine is always cluttered, even though it seems so easy to clean it off.  Anyone have tips that work for them to keep it clean? Go take a picture of your washing machine/dryer RIGHT NOW before you forget!

I'll wait.

Okay, don't forget to write your weekly goals.  I'm already thinking Christmas...


Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekly Total 10/18-10/23

Oy vey, what a week.

vacuum- 3
sweep- 4
dishes- 3
bed- 10
scriptures- 0
= 20

goals- 5
5 min- 2
weekly- 0
bathrooms- 5
mop- 5
laundry- 5


Here's what my computer desk looks like AFTER Barlow spent a little time straightening it on Saturday:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Computer Desk

No, Charlotte, you most definitely are NOT the only one who can't keep the desk clean. Mine ALWAYS looks like this. Even right after it's cleaned, it still looks crowded and sloppy. Hopefully as soon as I finish Halloween costumes this week I can at least get my sewing stuff cleaned up!

Daily Update - Tuesday

So, neither of my boys napped, which gives me grief and prevents me from accomplishing a whole lot, but I still pulled out okay.

*all my daily cleans
*one VT visit
*did a little more closet work
*cleaned boys rooms
*2 hours sewing on Halloween costumes
*Swept the back porch play area

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

WILLN: Computer Desk

Am I the only one who can't keep that clean? Seriously, it is always in bad shape. Always.

Week review- Charlotte

Last week I was doing great. Then FRIDAY hit and threw me off and Saturday was spent cleaning up Friday's mess. So here is my score:

Dishes: 10
Sweep: 4
Front Room: 4
Family Room: 4
Scriptures: 3
5 minutes: 3


Goals: 5
Laundry: 0
Mop: 5
Bathrooms: 0
Weekly Challenge: 20


Total: 58/120

Daily this week will be regular 5

Weekly challenge will be finish packing books/china/gather knickknacks

5 Minutes:
  1. Under coaches
  2. Under coach cushions
  3. Bedroom
  4. Fridge
  5. Cobwebs

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day One Check Up

So, in an effort to keep myself on track this week, I'm going to force myself to check in on what I've accomplished each day. I'm happy with today, for sure.

*I woke up early and went on an hour run
*I menu planned and made a good dinner
*I started cleaning my closet and got over half way done
*I did all my daily cleans
*I washed out the poopy diaper trash can
*I cleaned one bathroom
*I washed and folded 4 loads of laundry

Andrea's Week

What I learned from this week: The only way I can get everything accomplished is if someone takes my kids for an entire day. I was able to spend a couple hours in the kids' room, went through all their buckets and under their beds, took one garbage bag to the trash and another to Goodwill.

Vacuum- 4
Dishes- 10
Sweep- 10
Bed- 10
Scriptures- 3
5 min- 10

Goals- 5
Mop- 5
Bathrooms- 5
Laundry- 5
Weekly- 30

Total= 102

This week, my weekly challenge will be the kitchen table and chairs. My 5 minutes will be:
1. Organize cupboard
2. Under couch cushions
3. Under couch
4. Baseboards in kitchen
5. Dust blinds

Kim's Week

This month has really sucked for me. I don't know why I've been so overwhelmed, but I've really slacked on a lot of things. I'm ready to change it all though! I know I don't stand a chance for October because I don't have scores for the first two weeks, but I'm jumping in feet first!

Daily: scriptures, bed, sweep, dishes, and clean toy area
5 minute: Light Switches, Car Trunk, Linen Closet, Wash windows, & mop bathroom
Weekly: Closets (again, I know, I know)

Good luck to everyone else. I'm going to do great.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What it looks like now- Bathroom Sinks

I think toothpaste in the kids' sink is inevitable, but I do try to wipe it out with a disinfecting wipe about once a week to keep it from building up.
Barlow and my sinks tend to be the worse, because if I find a few minutes to clean a bathroom, I clean the kids' because it's the one guests use. Right after I took these pictures I scoured both bathrooms top to bottom, and these formerly grimy sinks are now sparkling!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Andrea's Week 10/4-10/10

Not a stellar week, but at least I was able to get a big challenge done. The laundry room has been on my to-do list for... months. Look at this! This is where I CLEAN my clothes. Disgusting.
You might not be able to tell a huge difference from the picture, but this place was GROSS. To get it in tip top shape, I cleaned the w/d, washed Nephi's disgusting pillow, swiffered and swept (it took 2 Swiffers), mopped, vacuumed spiderwebs out of the corners, washed the muddy paw prints from the door, and washed the shelf. I can finally walk in there without my skin crawling.
Here's my point total:

Vacuum- 2
Sweep- 10
Bed- 10
Dishes- 4
Scriptures- 0
= 26/60

Goals- 5
Mop- 5
Bathrooms- 0
Weekly- 30
5 min- 0
Laundry- 5

TOTAL= 71/120

My daily cleans this week will be the norm. My 5 minutes will be:
1. Clean kitchen sink
2. Microwave (a yam exploded in there yesterday.)
3. Dust inside entertainment center
4. Wash bedding
5. Sewing drawer

Weekly Challenge: Kids' Room

Last week wrapup &this weeks goals- Charlotte

I almost don't want to post about my score last week.  I did great, until Thursday and then the week (housekeeping wise) spiraled out of control!

Here is how I did:

Bed -10
Dishes- 4
Sweep- 3
Scriptures- 3
Vacuum- 3
5 minutes-  2


Goals for week- 5
Mop- 5
Bathrooms- 5
Weekly challenge- 0 (I emptied the garbage from the car, but that is all)
 WILLK?- 10 (see picture below)


Total- 50/120

I did clean this out.
I disinfected the sink,
scrubbed the backsplash and window sill,
washed the windows
and rinsed the screen.

This week Peter is home and working odd shifts so I am cutting out making bed.  My daily goals are:
  1. Dishes
  2. Sweep
  3. Scriptures
  4. Family Room
  5. Front Room

My 5 minutes are (including the 3 I missed last week):
  1. Broom closet
  2. Appliance closet
  3. Under coaches
  4. Pantry
  5. Planter Box
 My weekly goal is the same as last week: Suburban

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let's just start it now

I think that we should just start the new cycle with the new month, so this would be week one. What do you all think? 

Since no one has posted the "What it looks like now" for the week, I will do something relatively easy.  How about the kitchen sink?

Brenda asked me the difference between WILLN and a weekly challenge.  The difference is that there is no points related to cleaning it.  You just have to photograph what it looks like and then do a follow up on what you do to keep up with it, an after picture, or some other comment on that area of your house.  As long as a WILLN photo is posted with some sort of commentary, you get the points. Cleaned up or not.

Also, I think we need to take out the bonus points for extra 5 minute cleans.  To ambiguous.

Lastly, I have an idea for a prize this month.  I'll let you know as soon as I get it made!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brenda's Week

It was a rough one for me, but I did ok

Make Bed: 10
Scriptures: 10
Dishes: 3
Sweep: 3
Vacuum: 3

5 Minute Challenges: 10
Weekly Challenge: 20
What it Looks Like: 0 (I actually cleaned my craft room, but forgot to take pictures or post about it)

Laundry: 5
Mop: 5
Bathrooms: 5

Goals: 0

Total: 74

(are we adding up our totals?? When did the cycle start??)

For this week my challenge will be my food storage closet and my 5 minutes will be 1. screens, back window, oven top, to be filled stack, and Blakes clothes.

I'm back!

Ok, I think I'm ready to give this new system a try. I've managed to keep on top of my daily cleaning, but pretty much nothing past that, and I'm definitely noticing. Here's my plan for this week:

Weekly Challenge: Laundry room
Daily Cleans: I will probably always keep the same dailies- sweep, vacuum, bed, dishes
5 Minutes: Microwave, snack cupboard, vanity table, computer desk, dust inside entertainment center

Wish me luck!

Monday, October 4, 2010

points last week and goals this week: Charlotte

Last week was going great!  Until Friday.  Then things sort of fell apart.  But I am back on track again.

My score last week was:

Dishes 10 (with a Saturday makeup)
5 minute Challenges 10
Scriptures 4
Sweep 4
Vacuum 4

Goals 5
Mop 5
Bathrooms 0
Laundry 0

Weekly challenge (I didn't get all 3 done, but I did spend at least 4 hours working on it, probably more like 5): 20
What it looks like now: 20

Total: 92/120

This week my daily challenges will be the regular 5.  5 minutes will be: broom closet, small appliances closet, wash sheets, under couches, & Kitchen sink area.  I think my weekly challenge will be my car.  It is (once again) nasty.

Friday, October 1, 2010

What it looks like now- Charlotte

I was a little reluctant to show you the pictures of my craft room. I didn't want to overwhelm you with my organizational and cleaning skills. It was in such perfect order, after all. But then I thought there might be some part of the room I could organize a teensy bit more, so I might as well try. It took me a while, but I finally found a place in my craft room to clean. Here is the before:
Are you prepared to be jealous?
I can't help that it is so spotless.
It was hard to find anything to do in there.

I know, I'm just a clean freak, right? Actually this was my weekly challenge. Mostly because I had to beg my friends to not go upstairs when they were over the other day and I knew something had to change. After a couple hours my room looked more like this:

I really do have a system that works to keep things organized and I was surprised how quickly I was able to clean things up. The playroom, on the other hand, I've already spent 2 hours on and still has about that much before it is done. Luckily (for my pride) I forgot to take before pictures.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What's It Look Like Now? Craft Area

This week I chose the craft area. For me it is a table in our guest room. I know it is going to be a different space for everyone. I actually took my before picture, then immediately cleaned it. So, I have a before and an after already. Maybe it can motivate everyone else :-)
BEFORE: You can tell I was really getting a lot of craftin done in my craft area.
AFTER: Yeah! I can actually use my craft table! Yeah.
No one will really appreciate this, since I didn't take a before picture, but I also cleaned out our toy/cereal closet. This is our cereal food storage stash, organized by expiration date. All of the toys were bought at 75% - 90% off and we save them for Christmas and birthdays. The cardboard boxes on the right are all number 10 cans of food storage.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Brenda's Week

So this last week I got SO close to a perfect score. It came down to Friday night when we watched a movie after dinner and went right to bed afterwards without cleaning up dinner or vacuuming. It was SO nice to have the house clean most of the time and it makes me look forward to cleaning it again this week. Here is my score from last week:

Scriptures- 10
Sweep- 10
Make Bed- 10
Dishes- 4
Vacuum- 4
5 Minute- 10
Weekly- 20
What it looks like- 20
Laundry- 5
Bathrooms- 5
Mop- 5
Goals- 5

Total: 108

For next week my weekly challenge will be to clean out my van. My 5 minute challenges will be the upstairs bathroom drawers (I only finished my bathroom drawers last week) and I like to keep my daily cleans the old school ones because they work well for me.

This week- Charlotte

Hmm.  I think I'm going big this week. Even if Peter is out of town again.  My weekly challenge will be the big 3 nasty rooms in my upstairs: craft room, playroom, and bedroom.  I had company over last week and had to warn them to please not go upstairs.  PLEASE.  Time to fix that.

5 minutes goals will be the 2 I missed last week (washing machine/dryer & fireplace) and hallway, towels, rest of cupboard.

My daily goals will the the standard: bed, dishes, sweep, vacuum, & scriptures.

Happy cleaning!
I did not do well last week.  I did most of the daily cleans, but that is about it.  I did get one before/after of a "five minute" clean that was really a 45 minute clean.  I totally meant to take a picture of the bathroom sink, too.  Peter out of town + Joseph's birthday + preschool at my house + busiest Saturday is a long time = my trash kicked:

Dishes: 10
Sweep: 10
Vacuum: 10
Bed: 10
Scriptures: 2
5 minutes: 3
Goals for week: 5
Bathrooms: 5
Mop: 5
Laundry: 0
Weekly Challenge: 0
What it looks like now: 0

Total: 60/120

I'll just look at these a while longer:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weekly Challenge WAIT

I decided the I would clean out the garage. It really needed done and so today was a hot sweaty dusty dirty day. It is now done. Yeah!!!!!!!!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pantry again

I feel I have to keep cleaning the pantries over and over again. This is my weekly challenge and I have spent all day today doing it. Here are my before and after pictures.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Already Done!!

I have been a busy bee today and have already done under my bathroom sink and 3 bathroom drawers.....good luck keeping up with me.

Kim's Weekly Challenge

So, I didn't embarrass myself enough because not only did I not clean my challenge room, it looks A LOT worse. Thus, it is my new challenge again this week.

Five Minutes are:
Mop Stairs
Mop Bathroom #1
Mop Bathroom #2
Mop Bathroom #3
Mop Downstairs Landing/Hall

My 2 additional daily are *making bed *pick up family room

Brenda's Week

I did ok last week, especially considering the fact that I had 5 sick kids and got sick myself. Here is how I broke it down.

What it looks like: 20
Weekly Challenge: 0 (I never did pick anything)
Five Minute: 1 Vacuum under couches
Daily Cleans: Dishes 10 (missed once, made it up on Sat.)
Sweep: 4
Vacuum: 3
Make Bed 3
Read Scriptures: 10
Goals: 5
Laundry: 5
Mop: 0
Bathrooms: 5
Tips: 5

Total: 71

For this week here are my goals:

Weekly Challenge: Deep clean master bathroom

5 Minute Challenges: Bathroom drawers (I am counting each drawer as 5 minutes and I have 12 bathroom drawers total in my house so that is a lot of bonus points if I get them all done.....they will each take more than 5 minutes by the way)

I am on a bathroom kick this week (having 3 so called "potty trained" boys will do that to you)

What does under your bathroom sinks look like?

I have three bathroom sinks and I hope to get to all of them, but one will do. I have high hopes for getting my extra bathroom supplies organized under here. Good luck, hope yours looks better than mine!

Challenges this Week- Charlotte

So this week my weekly challenge will be my bedroom.  It needs cleaned desperately!

My five minute cleans will be:

  1. Top of cupboards
  2. Pantry
  3. Computer Desk
  4. Top of washing machine/dryer
  5. Around fireplace
Happy cleaning everyone!

Bookshelves- Charlotte

So I did really well last week. I went through my books and cleaned off the shelves. Regathering the sets of books together. Now I just need to figure out where the kids have scattered the misssing books from the sets!

I did really well with the rest of the week, too. I made my bed and read scriptures with the kids every day (we are now half way through the B of M chapter wise!). I vacuumed every day but one (which I made up for on Saturday). I did dishes and swept 3 days. This is the best I've done in a LONG time. I made my goals, but didn't get two done (what can I say, the other cleaning exhausted me!). I mopped, did bathrooms, did laundry and finished my 5 minute cleans (those cupboards were NASTY!). I believe that gives me a total of ...

10x3 + 3x2 = 36 (daily)
3 (goals)
3x5 = 15 (weekly)
10 (5 minutes)
20 (weekly)
10+10=20 (what it looks like now)

Total- 104/116
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brenda's Tip

Here is another product that I really like and I think it will come in handy for quite a few of us if not now, then in the near future.

Greased Lighting is the only product that I have found that effectively removes certain things from clothes. I know it does more than laundry but that is mostly what I use it for.

Baby Spit-up (breast milk does not stain but formula does, and this takes it out)

Baby Poop (one of the hardest things to get clean off clothes)

Paint (got some red paint off my good gray sweats the other day)

Pen (when kids color on their clothes or I accidentally get a pen mark on that never happens right?)

I used to buy the stuff at Costco but I haven't seen it there lately. From what I can tell you can still get it at Home Depot. I am nearly out so I will have to look there.

Brenda's Bookshelf

This was a tough one. The bookshelf in my bedroom becomes a catch all for things that I don't really know what to do with, along with being the spot for my jewelry box, cell phone charging station, change bowls and books. I was so glad I got it cleaned though. The before picture I took was what it looked like after I cleaned my room, and after looking at it next to the after picture I realized that I have not been cleaning my room very well. I expect my kids to do a better job in their rooms than I have been doing in mine. Guess I should take a closer look at my own bad habits.
I was just wondering if at the end of the cycle if we should update our 4 "what it looks like now" spots to see if we were able to keep them up through the whole cycle. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Embarrass Myself into Working

It worked earlier to embarrass myself. So, here is a picture of my "Man Room" that I made my challenge this week.

Kim's Bookshelves - FINISHED!!

I was so blasted embarrassed by my last pictures that I spent naptime today cleaning my bookshelves and the rooms they are in. I'm glad to have them done! Hooray.

Kim's Bookshelves

This is embarrassing. I promise the rest of my house doesn't look this terrible. I was very tempted to clean up some before taking this picture, but I didn't. A few higlights: 2 nasty sippy cups on top, groceries from last Tuesday that have yet to be put away, the ward canner that we used last Monday to put up 40 #10 cans for food storage, and our church diaper bag.

My 5 minute challenges are: *windows *glass surfaces *fireplace mantle *mop bathroom *try new recipe
My 2 daily cleans are: *make bed *clean up clutter spot
My weekly challenge is: The Man Room (otherwise known as food storage pantry and costume room)