Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I have a VAN under all that dirt???

Thanks to Bryan who had the day off today and said "OK, lets go clean out the van" It was McTeacher Night at McDonalds here (that is where the teachers work at McDonalds for the night and McDonalds donates some of the sales to the school) so we told the kids if they helped clean out the car and cleaned their rooms they could not only go to McTeacher Night, but they could have Happy Meals! It worked. I now have a very clean van (we even washed the windows which were SUPER dirty with spilled drinks and fingerprints) Here are my SHOCKING before/after pictures. And with that I believe for the moment anyway, I have taken over the LEAD with points!!!
Oh and those before pictures are not really my car, it is just a picture I found on the Internet that looked just like my car (you know just like Kim did when she took up 3 parking spots ;) And those colored spots on the carpet are all melted crayons, now you know why crayons are not allowed in my car (in theory only though, if you look at the before pictures you will see the floor covered in crayons, *sigh*)


  1. That is so awesome!! I'm glad my car isn't the only one to look like that. We once spent a couple hours with Mr. Clean erasers trying to get marker drawings off the top of the minivan. That was fun.

  2. it must feel good to ride in your van now. I LOVE driving a clean car. I really need to get to mine. maybe today

  3. I must say I am relieved that my before pictures won't be super shocking (although I don't have 4 kids to blame, mostly just myself) although I still say my car is probably the worst. I've taken my before pictres, but that is as far as I've gotten!!!

  4. Ok I won't be so embarrassed to post my before pictures... and what's worse is that Barlow and I both drive both cars (we have to switch the carseats when I go to work) so both cars are almost equally bad! I'm always so afraid people look in the windows at church and know it's our car... Maybe it will stop snowing so I can go out and clean it!
