Sunday, February 15, 2009

Weekly Challenge

This week out the oven/stove top.  This is what I was thinking.  If you have a self cleaning oven, then go turn it on and also do the stove top.  If you do not have a self cleaning oven then you are exempt from doing the stove top unless you want to.  Sound fair?  Mine has not been cleaned out....ever (2 and 1/2 years!) So I have my work cut out for me.  Good luck!


  1. I cleaned the oven today. OK, I turned on the self clean. But that was the first time I have ever even done that, so there you go. I keep my stove top pretty scoured, but it is time to give the burners a good scrub down.

  2. I've never used the self clean either. That is a good one! It is always good to pull out the burners and to lift up the top to clean up any spills. Good challenge.

  3. My oven is self cleaning right now and can I say my eyes are burning. I have Abe napping in his room with the door shut and the ceiling fan on low. Holy cow. I hope to finish the burners and everything else today too.
