Friday, February 13, 2009

Proof is in the Pudding

So, tonight was awesome. Ken had been calling around trying to find someone who could help him with the Innerfaith Food Shuttle tomorrow. He'd called one of our friends, Ben. About 15 minutes ago, Ben called back to make sure he'd found someone. He casually asked us what we were doing tonight and Ken told him we'd rented a scary movie in celebration of Friday the 13th and invited him and his wife to come and watch it with us. They accepted and said they'd be here in 20 minutes. Normally, this is when my panic button would have exploded. Not tonight though! My bathrooms were clean. My dishes were done. My floors were vacuumed. My kitchen was swept and mopped. I didn't have any clean laundry all over the family room. We took 10 minutes to do a basic pick up (which did NOT involve throwing everything into our bedroom and shutting the door like normal) and light a candle and I still had time to write this post! I can't believe what a difference there is my home. It was so nice. Happy Friday the 13th!


  1. Yay!!! I don't even remember the last time that happened for me, but I HATE that feeling when you find out someone is coming over and your house is a mess! Or when someone drops by unexpectedly. Maybe someone will drop by soon when my house is clean (because it has been!)

  2. Yeah my visiting teachers showed up unannounced and same thing! My house was not a mess. ... this is great.

  3. Last night Peter and I had a work party (Elise watched the kids). We left at 6:30 with dinner on the table and came home at 11:45. To a total mess. I wanted to go to bed. But I had worked so hard to get those stupid bonus point. I finished the daily dishes, sweeping and then cleaned up the family and front room so I could vacuum. Didn't go to bed till 1:00. But it was nice to wake up and know that mess wasn't waiting for me! Instead of cleaning up all morning we went rollerblading as a family.
