Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bedroom Pictures

Here are the much anticipated before and after shots of our bedroom. I'm so glad to be able to see the floor again! Let's hope it doesn't get that bad again... Although, that's what I said when we cleaned it over Christmas break, too. It's still not as clean as I'd like it, but when you have that much stuff crammed into a small space, you do what you can.


  1. I think it looks awesome. Way to go. I always say that (I'll never let it get that bad) and then somehow it just does. Hopefully our little challenges here will help!

  2. Good job!! Mine was cleaned well last week and is already starting to look like your before photos...

  3. that looks really great! It is really hard to fit everything into an apartment.

  4. it looks really good!! my room is going to be the next thing that I work on :)
