Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Argh! I feel like I did ok last week, but I feel like I am drowning this week! I am not sure what the deal is. I spent ALL day Monday cleaning then by last night my house was a mess and I have to spend ALL day today cleaning again. I would REALLY like to be able to do a project on Wednesdays but the last few weeks or even months I feel like I just spend it cleaning again. Now if I start the week of on Monday with a clean house do you think it is to much to ask that it still be clean on Wednesday morning? Any ideas on how to help? I have added a couple of goals for this week that might help. I am going to try to get up a little earlier. I normally get up around 6:50-7:00 and usually when I set a goal it is to get up around 6:00, but I figure maybe I should work my way into it so I am trying 6:40 for a week or so. I am also going to try to have a clean kitchen EVERY night before bed, no matter how late it is. I am pretty sure if the kitchen is clean it will help the entire house. I know this is kind of a rambling post, but I know putting it out there might help me over come some of these very instilled habits that I have. PLEASE give me any suggestions that you think of, thanks!


  1. I have started making it a part of bedtime routine that Madison picks up all the toys in her room. This has helped me a TON. Even when one room in my house is dirty I will say to myself oh I'll just wait and do it all together when I get arond to cleaning. I have been trying to just be okay with cleaning one room at a time. Like say the kitchen. Then when Jared gets home the kitchen is clean and he can help me keep it clean the rest the night while I work on another room. Making any sense here?
    My main help has been to stop saying to myself oh I'll do it later when I get around to cleaning everything else.

  2. This year (2009) I made it a goal to go to bed with a clean kitchen. It has made an enormous difference. There have been nights when it was the last thing in the world I wanted to do, but I did it and it was definately worth it in the mornings. I've found that Ken tries harder to keep it clean now too and one night I was in the tub and he even cleaned the whole thing so I wouldn't have to when I got out. I have also been trying to get up earlier. I usually just get up when Abe does, but I've been trying to get up with Ken. Then I can read my scriptures and sometimes get a couple other things done in the morning. Then when Abe has his morning quiet time I can spend that entire time cleaning and picking up. I'm with Tami too on being able to focus on what I did and not what I didn't. My room has needed cleaned FOREVER, but it will just have to wait until I have a minute. Anyway, sorry this is such a long comment, but I know exactly how you feel.

  3. I know what you mean. It is hard to do the in depth stuff because just keeping picked up takes so much time. Today I really wanted to do the bathrooms, pantry, playroom, and laundry, but I am not going to get close. Had to run an unexpected errand and have a choir concert to attend. The last 2 weeks I feel like I have cleaned nonstop. But my house really needed it.

    I find that getting the kitchen done before bed helps and then I clean the family room while I watch TV at night. Also, I like to reward myself. "After I finish the dishes I am going to read my email (or finish that blog post, or do a Suduko puzzle, etc)." It takes longer to get done, but I feel less stressed. And after I get started, I sometimes just keep cleaning and put off taking the break. It is the motivation to start cleaning that I really needed.

  4. Don't feel sorry for rambling, that is EXACTLY what this blog is for!! We all feel like that and we all need to vent and get support.

    Like everyone else, I agree that a clean kitchen when you go to bed is a perfect goal. I think that will help you so much. Maybe another goal could be to take your upstairs basket with you every night when you go to put the kids in bed. Then, once they're in bed you can start putting the stuff in the basket away while you're watching your shows. Also, maybe THAT is a habit it will soon become routine to have everything downstairs picked up, so that the upstairs basket is ready to be taken at bed time. Think of the possibilities! :-)

    I know you don't like to do this, but this week I've been trying to do the projects before doing the routine cleaning. I usually do everything in exactly the same order everyday, but wind up only getting the bare minimum done. i.e., yesterday I cleaned the bathrooms and mopped in lieu of cleaning the kitchen. I was actually able to get to them both, but for some reason if I start with the everyday stuff it seems that's all I get done. I've never tried it before but it seems to be working for me so far. Who knows why that works? Good luck!

  5. That is a great idea to take my upstairs basket up at bedtime and bring it down empty when I go back down to go to bed! Thanks for all the suggestions I am feeling MUCH better and my kitchen is still clean (but I have to go to YW tonight so cross your fingers that it will still be done when I get home.
