Monday, September 27, 2010

Brenda's Week

So this last week I got SO close to a perfect score. It came down to Friday night when we watched a movie after dinner and went right to bed afterwards without cleaning up dinner or vacuuming. It was SO nice to have the house clean most of the time and it makes me look forward to cleaning it again this week. Here is my score from last week:

Scriptures- 10
Sweep- 10
Make Bed- 10
Dishes- 4
Vacuum- 4
5 Minute- 10
Weekly- 20
What it looks like- 20
Laundry- 5
Bathrooms- 5
Mop- 5
Goals- 5

Total: 108

For next week my weekly challenge will be to clean out my van. My 5 minute challenges will be the upstairs bathroom drawers (I only finished my bathroom drawers last week) and I like to keep my daily cleans the old school ones because they work well for me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed. I need to do better. In my mind I think I'm waiting for the start of a new month in combo with the new system. Then I'll get my act in gear!
