Monday, September 27, 2010

I did not do well last week.  I did most of the daily cleans, but that is about it.  I did get one before/after of a "five minute" clean that was really a 45 minute clean.  I totally meant to take a picture of the bathroom sink, too.  Peter out of town + Joseph's birthday + preschool at my house + busiest Saturday is a long time = my trash kicked:

Dishes: 10
Sweep: 10
Vacuum: 10
Bed: 10
Scriptures: 2
5 minutes: 3
Goals for week: 5
Bathrooms: 5
Mop: 5
Laundry: 0
Weekly Challenge: 0
What it looks like now: 0

Total: 60/120

I'll just look at these a while longer:

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