Monday, June 15, 2009


Here is a tip I picked up in my cooking class at BYUI. After running your garbage disposal (or garbarator for those Canadians out there) simply drip in a piece of lemon, or even just lemon peel if you have used a lemon. This leaves your sink smelling great and the acid in the lemon helps to clean the disposal so that it doesn't smell bad from residual food in it. I have only done it a couple of times, but it makes the sink area smell great. (you could also use orange peels, but they don't work quite as well as lemons.)


  1. I'll have to give it a try.

  2. I wish I had a garbarator! I love how lemons smell

  3. I definately need to do this. Ours reeks and I just don't know how to clean it.
