Monday, April 20, 2009

Week Three has Begun

I hope you all enjoyed my vacation. Oh, wait, were you all cleaning while I was gone? Yeah, I got NO points last week. I might could account for a couple, but is it worth the fight? Anyway, I am ready to get to it! I promise to send Kim's prize out. I was not planning anything as fancy as Kim gave (considering I planned on paying for it every month and never really expect to win). So don't get your hopes up too high.

Brenda is right in her last post; here are the weekly assignments:

5 minute Challenges : Brenda
Weekly Challenge: Tami
Tuesday Tip : Andrea

Have a great week cleaning and keep track of everything in the comments here!


  1. Did all the daily today! Horray!

  2. So far 3 days of everything done. Plus mopping, bathrooms, and five minute challenges.

  3. Sweep 5 + 5 = 10
    Dishes 5 + 5 = 10
    Vacuum 4
    Make Bed 4
    Scriptures 3 (that is sad)
    5 min challenges 5 + 5 = 10
    Laundry 5
    Mop 5
    Bathrooms 5
    Weekly 30
    Total = 86 add to 133 = 219

  4. Not a great week for me. Started out strong then fizzled out by the end. Next week will be perfect!!

    Sweep 4
    Dishes 5+5=10
    Vacuum 4
    Make bed 5+5=10
    Scriptures 3
    5 min Chall 5+5=10
    Weekly Chall 30
    Laundry 5
    Mop 5
    Bathroom 5

    + 195

  5. OK, so I did the first three days and nothing the 2nd two. So my score is:

    Daily chores: 5 x 3 = 15
    Mop: 5
    Bathrooms: 5
    5 minutes: 5 + 5
    Weekly challenge: 30

    Total: 65 57+65= 122
