Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ok ITS DONE!!!!!

Here is the before and after picture of Dad's computer desk.
And here is my before and after. It took me until late Saturday night to get it done. I think I should get double points don't you?
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  1. WOW! That looks great. It is hard enough to clean one computer desk, but two!! I am impressed.

  2. WOW. That is impressive. Good job.

  3. Looks SO good!! Great work!

  4. Very impressive! I cleaned mine, but (wouldn't you know it?) it was a mess before I pulled out the camera to take the shot.

  5. Charlotte, mine was the same way. I was just finishing up when Barlow got home from work, and I kid you not 10 minutes later it was almost as bad as when I started! I had to do a little straightening before taking the pic.
