Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Tip

If it's ok, this week's Tuesday Tip will be a little different- this time, I need a tip from you. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has this problem, and hopefully someone has something they've tried and can share. If not, I'll try different things until I find something that works!

Close up. Gross, huh?These are the inside tracks of my sliding glass door. It was like this when we moved in, and I'm not sure how to clean them. On the outside, it is easy to spray them with the hose- you can see the difference between inside and outside in the close up picture. I've tried just scooping it up with Windex and a rag, but it just seems to smear and compact it.

Any tips???


  1. I have never had sliding doors, but I have had the opposite problem with the outside of my window sills. I use the vacuum hose feature to suck up the loose dirt. Then wipe it clean with clorox wipes. For those tracks I might try putting a little bleach/water mixture (or other cleaner if you're nervous about the bleach) into the track. Let it sit an hour or so (obviously the kids would need to be in bed or something) and then soak up the water with paper towels or rags. Then wipe up the rest with the Clorox wipes. I have no idea if it would work, but it is probably what I would try.

  2. That is exactly what I do with ours. They get super moldy and dirty. So I first use the vacuum and then let bleach soak for a while.

  3. That is my suggestion also. First vacuum out the loose dirt and then use bleach. The bleach will keep out the mold and uck. I agree with Charlotte to have the kids asleep but I would use rubber gloves and a rag soaked with bleach. Either way it should work. Good luck.

  4. I read this on a website about cleaning that out of our shower track, so maybe it would work for sliding glass doors as well. Anyway, they said to use a solution of 50/50 water and hydrogen perioxide. To spray it generously and then let it sit for up to 24 hours. Clean it out and then if there is anything left, spray that with boiling white vinegar. Let it sit until the vinegar cools and then wipe it clean. I have had every intention to do this to our shower track, but haven't yet, so I can't vouch for it. Good luck.
