Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekly Challenge- Craft Room/Stuff

It is my turn for the weekly challenge and I am going for something I always need to go through after the Holidays- the craft stuff.  I know mine has been foraged through and destroyed through December and is in desperate need of organization.  Plus, once it is done I can work on those projects I meant to do earlier but didn't have time for.  So organize and maybe even pick up that craft project you've been trying to avoid!


  1. Ok if I already just cleaned my craft room and worked on a project that I have been wanting to do when we went on the trip to Mesa does that mean that I really get bonus bonus for the weekly challenge? I could go through drawers and clean out more if I have to.

  2. Ahh...this was on my list to do last week and I skipped it... darn, oh well, I am really excited to get this one done.

  3. BBBBOOONNNUUUSSS!!!!!!!!!!! This was one of my to do lister items while Ken was home for Christmas vacation. I spent hours cleaning out my craft room: drawers, closet, under the bed, everything. I'm very proud to have it done!
    And I think you totally get bonus points mom, sounds like you've done it too!

  4. Total bonus points mom! Great job. I have a long way to go in this aspect.

  5. I got the base room clean today, then maybe tonight and tomorrow I can go through my stuff and organize really needs it.

  6. Not to be a copy-cat, but bonus points here too! Got everything cleaned out and organized right before Christmas. Yeeeeeeeeeeeah.

  7. ARGH to all you bonus point people....just so that you know this is a 3 day project for me, the first day I cleaned the room, the second day I sorted my craft stuff (that was today) and the 3rd day I have to clean the room again. I will be so happy when it is done.
