Sunday, January 10, 2010

So here are the assignments this week.  I did OK last week, but have definite room for improvement.  Get your score up quick and happy cleaning!  We still don't have a definite answer on makeup days or points for goals.  I will put a poll for everyone to vote- if you have an opinion, let it be known!

5 Minutes: Tami
Weekly: Charlotte
Tips: Kim


  1. I did ok but I didn't get the weekly challenge done. I know I should be punished but I was sick, did go to the doctors, and then on Friday I went to Janelle's wedding and didn't come home until Sunday. I will clean the bathrooms tomorrow. Make-up points????????

  2. You can't get makeup points for weekly challenges you didn't do last week!

  3. great idea to do a poll! silly how that makes it easier than just leaving a comment! :-)

  4. Another perfect score. It is getting a little bit easier to get everything done each week. Hopefully I can keep up with all the bonus points everyone got this week.

    Total: 110

  5. dishes- 10
    bed- 10
    vacuum- 10
    sweep- 10
    scriptures- 10
    weekly- 50
    5 min- 3
    mop- 5
    laundry- 5
    bathroom- 5

  6. I am embarrassed to tell you. We had a work party Friday night and I came home exhausted so didn't do anything. Here is my score:

    sweep- 4
    vacuum- 4
    dishes- 4
    bed- 10
    scriptures- 2
    5 minutes- 2
    weekly goals- 5
    laundry- 0 (again, I know)
    floor- 5
    bathrooms- 5
    weekly challenge- 30

    Total- 71

    98+71= 169

  7. I was doing really well this week. Then I got strep throat. Fortunately, Ken held most things together for me so I would still get most of my points.
    Sweep: 10
    Vacuum: 3
    Dishes : 10
    Make Bed: 10
    Scriptures: 10
    5 Min: 3
    Goals: 5
    Laundry: 5
    Bathrooms: 5
    Mop: 0
    Weekly: 50!
    Total: 111

  8. I forgot to add my goal points! That gives me the lead by ONE POINT!

  9. Ken reminded me that although I usually mop at the end of the week, because of a particularly nasty spill I'd mopped this week on Monday. I'd totally forgotten, so hooray for an additional five points for me. It doesn't give me the lead though :-(

  10. Vacuum 4
    Sweeep 4
    Dishes 4
    Bed 2
    Scripture 10
    5 min 3
    Goals 5
    Laundry 5
    Bathrooms 5
    Mop 0
    Weekly 30
    total 72+61=133
