Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 4 Assignments

Ok, I know it is a plot to get me to lose my perfect score this month, but someone has to post the assignments for this week. I am not good at keeping track but I think this is how it goes.

5 Minute Challenges: Charlotte
Weekly Challenge: Kim
Tuesday Tip: Tami

Let me know if I am wrong, and post the challenges asap!


  1. You can't tell by the state of my house this morning, but I actually did get a perfect score last week. Hooray!!

    110 + 325
    = 435 (possibly my best score ever!)

  2. Make Bed: 10
    Sweep: 10
    Scriptures: 10
    Dishes: 10
    Vaccum: 3
    5 min: 0 (totally forgot about these)
    Goals: 5
    Laundry: 5
    Mop: 5
    Bathrooms: 5
    Weekly : 30
    Total: 93

  3. It nearly killed me, but I maintained my perfect score all month.

    Total this week: 110
    Total all month: 440

    I am wearing out fast so I am pretty sure I can't keep this up, but I would love to get the house even more in order before the baby arrives so heres hoping!

  4. Sweep 10
    Vacuum 10
    Dishes 10
    Bed 10
    Scriptures 10
    5 min 0
    Goals 3
    Laundry 5
    mop 0
    bathrooms 5
    Weekly 0 stupid me. I just didn't take a picture and post it on the blog :(
    Total 63+219=282

  5. Sweep 10
    Vacuum 10
    Dishes done 4
    Bed 10
    Scriptures 10
    5 minute 10
    Laundry 5
    Mop 5
    Weekly 30

    Total 99

    Monthly total 439
