Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Weekly Assignments

Here are the weekly assignments:

5 Minutes: Brenda
Challenge: Tami
Tips: Andrea (although it seems as though she stepped in and did it for Charlotte just last week, so if she doesn't want to this week we'll skip her and I'll do it, just let me know)

Good luck to everyone this week. I know I'm getting all my points for sure!!!! This girl needs her some jewelry!

Keep track of your points on this post.


  1. Wahoo!!
    Daily Points: 50 points
    5 minutes: 10 points
    Laundry: 5 points
    mop: 5 points
    Bathroom: 5 points
    Weekly: 30 points
    Total: 105!! FINALLY!!!

  2. Daily Points 50
    5 min 10
    Laundry 5
    Mop 5
    Bathroom 5
    Weekly 30
    Total 105
    total 263
