Thursday, January 29, 2009

Works For Me Wednesdays???

So, a lot of the money saving blogs I look at participate in what they call "Works for Me Wednesdays". On Wed. (duh) they post something that "works" for them. It ranges from little tricks they use around the house, to products that they have found to be helpful, to scheduling and menu planning ideas they use. Really anything. I thought maybe we could do that here, but just take turns posting on Wed. So I could start next Wed and then just go in order (maybe the order we are listed in weekly goals??). That puts us only having to post once every 6 weeks or so. Anyway, what do you think? It could be a fun way to share things that we are using that work for us and maybe would help others out. We could do 2 people a week if we wanted or start with one and see if we'd rather have two. Anyway, comment and tell me what you think.

Here is the link to the Official Works for Me Wednesday. I don't necessarily think we should follow her themes or link to her site, but it will give you an idea of what I am talking about.


  1. I think that sounds like a great idea! This will really add to our goal of learning from and helping each other. Sweet.

  2. I actually subscribe to that feed (I have found some good ideas there). It is considered extremely bad blog ettiquette to use someone's blog carnival without linking back to them. I love the idea and was thinking along the same lines, but would rather call it something else. Maybe we could do it twice a week and just call it Tips and Tricks Tuesday and Thursdays or something?

  3. how about just a Tuesday Tips? I love the idea whatever it is called.

  4. Tuesday tips sounds good to me. We can start with that, but if we find we are wanting to share more tips and that it is too long between our turns, we'll add Thursdayas too. I'll start this Tuesday and we'll follow the order of our weekly goals: Kim, Andrea, Jessica, Tami, LeAnn, Charlotte, Brenda.
