Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Goals Today- Charlotte

Yesterday I got the phone calls done and the food stored, but didn't do the laundry or make the VT appointment. Those got moved to today.

So today I am working on shopping and laundry. I also need to get the main floor picked up and, if I get enought done today, I will begin my playroom tomorrow. I would show you the picture I took, but it is BAD. I'll wait till I have the after photos to post. I am hoping to get rid of half of the toys in there. It is either that or half the kids ~ and toys are easier to replace ;)


  1. I am watching 3 little boys today (2 Abe's age and a 3 year old) and Book Club is at my house tonight. So, I need to get basic cleaning done (the toilet must be scrubbed) and refreshments made. I probably won't get to much else on my list.

  2. I also have some laundry and the second floor to clean. It is never done.

  3. I'm trying to get my "kitchen cleaned BEFORE Wednesday" goal done. (haven't started yet) but my bed is made!
