Friday, January 30, 2009

Kitchen Cupboards DONE!

Although most of my cupboards could do with a little straightening these were by far the worst and they were the ones I had in mind when setting my goal for the week.  The rest will have to wait for a different week.  Here is my before shot:
And here is my After:
There is SO much empty space now it is amazing.  The only thing I moved to a different spot were my recipe books which I moved here:
Everything else got put back in, or put in the garbage.  Some surprises were 2 jars of unsalted peanuts, 3 cans of cooking spray, and TONS of pasta, I threw two opened bags out that had been in there for over a year, took 3 bags up to the food storage closet and left the 5 that are left in there!  Good luck finishing all your goals for the week ( I know I am going to need it!)


  1. It looks awesome, way to go! I am always so amazed at how much room a little straightening adds to closets and cupboards. Good job.

  2. Wow! I've never seen your cupboards look so empty!! Good job.
