Saturday, January 31, 2009

Here is what I have so far...

OK, this is how I think things are going to work- on Saturday (or at least before Monday morning) the 5 5 minute challenges and the big weekly challenge will be posted by whomever has it that week (I will put it on the sidebar to keep track of). Whoever posts it should put the right tag on the post (if not, I will come back in and do it). You can keep track of your progress on the 5 minute challenge in the comments of the post.

The weekly challenge must be completed before midnight the next Saturday. If you already have that particular thing done, you can have two minutes to straighten before you take a picture of it. This will earn you the 20 points plus 30 bonus. If you take the challenge, you should post the before and after shots. This will earn you the 20 points.

On Saturday I will try to publish a point roundup post so you can tell how you did with the everyday cleaning. I will tally the points and add them to the score card. After 4 weeks, the highest scorer will win a small prize.

Also, we will take turns posting our Tuesday Tips (make sure to add the tag so we can keep track of it!!). I think that's everything. We will start keeping score starting Monday!! Good luck-


  1. Looks to me like Gordon has been here. Unless mom knows the code for scrolls...

    Hey, wait, Jessica is PREGNANT?!? Congrats to her!

  2. She isn't. You missed the joke. We've clairified it some. And you got a problem with me fixing a bug for you?
