Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just File this Under Weekly Challenge

I had a hard time deciding on a weekly challenge. Not because my house is so sparkly clean, but because there is so much to do and most of it is challenges I didn't do recently (like my kids clothes or the playroom or outside stuff). Anyway, this weeks challenge is one that always seems to be piling up around here- filing. Time to go through those files and make sure everything is in place. Time to file that stack (or stacks) of stuff you figured you'd get around to sometime. Lets get is done!! Good luck (and sorry I'm late posting this this week!)


  1. Phew! Just finished. I really needed to do this, but I have been putting it off thinking it would be a challenge some day (or I would make it a challenge some day) It was good to get rid of old files from things like phone companies from when we lived in Utah....and find things useful like children's birth certificates and immunization records. Yea!

  2. I just finished. The good news is that due to a very thorough going through of my system every few years, all I have to do is sort and place. The bad news is this hasn't been done for at least 2 years. The worse news is when I filed it looked like I may need to revise my system again. One legal, financial, insurance folders isn't cutting it. I need to break it up into car purchases, house purchases, health insurance, home insurance, health insurance, life insurance, employment agreements, licensure, contracts, etc. The new stuff I created the new files for, but unfortunately the older, already filed will just have to wait for another day (as just the basic filing took me a couple hours).
