Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ahhh....Perfection is SWEET

So thus ends my perfect month...that's right!  Another perfect score this week.  I have to say it feels pretty good and it was a lot of work.  I was shocked as on Saturday night at 11:00 I realized that I had not yet mopped and almost didn't do it....can you believe close and I almost threw it all away, but alas I pulled myself away from my calling bed and mopped my kitchen floor.   Here are some shots of my laundry room.


  1. Wow, kudos to you! I can't say I would do the same thing if I were in the same situation... although now that I know what perfection feels like maybe I would!

    The laundry room looks great!

  2. Congrats on the perfect score!! My day will come, someday...
