Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Weekly Challenge - The Ultimate Vacuum Challenge

This week's challenge is to vacuum under the furniture in your bedroom. All the nooks and crannies. If you've done that or if that doesn't take to long then do the front room. Now that it is almost spring and the birds are hatching their eggs that means that the spiders will be hatching theirs too. This is a good time to go through and get them before they get you!!!! (insert evil laugh)


  1. This one will be tough for me...under my bed is a MESS. Serious MESS.

  2. Oh, I see Kim. When you "cleaned" up your nightstand and stuff all you did was shove it under your bed?

  3. Leave it to the arachnophobe to remind us all of spider eggs under our bed. Now I have no choice but to clean it out.

  4. Under my bed is actually clean (but not vacuumed) This will be a good one for me, I have not pulled out the tube on the vacuum and gotten corners in my room for....lets just say for a while.

  5. I finished!! I would like to say that under my bed was pretty clean (although it could use a quick vacuum). This was due to the fact that I keep roll away storage under there, so there isn't a lot of room. I have to look under the edges almost every week in search of library books, so they stay relatively junk free. Anyway, it is done!

  6. DANG! I thought I had everyone. Since you guys didn't post until later I thought no one did it. Oh well. I'm glad you could make you're bedrooms spider free
