Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday Tips

This is the pregnancy edition (for obvious reasons). For those who may not be experiencing the wretchedness joy of pregnancy again, you can pass these on to others.
1. Tums Quick Paks. These really do work instantly on that acid reflux. Sometimes it doesn't completely take it away, but it literally will instantly take the edge off and usually completely eliminates it. I carry them with me everywhere.
2. Tide to Go. Have you tried this yet? Somehow, when you are pregnant you always get that stain on your shirt, right where you can't see it. This little guy works wonders in getting out a stain. Not only should every pregnant woman have one, but it belongs in every diaper bag and purse.
3. Memory Foam (not pictured). I have a lot of trouble sleeping while pregnant and I get charlie horses in my calves a lot. Sleeping with a memory foam pillow between my legs helps so much. The way it contours to however I am laying makes it a million times more comfortable than a regular pillow.
4. Cocoa Butter. I swear by this. I put this on morning and night from the second I find out I am pregnant. I have yet, now I know I may be jinxing myself since I still have 10 weeks of torture pain and suffering utter misery until I am due, to get a single stretch mark while pregnant. I think it is all about the cocoa butter. Plus it is very soothing when your skin is stretching and itchy and tight.
Anyway, there are my pregnancy tips. You guys have any to add???

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, that really made me laugh!
    Those are great tips. I really need to try that Tide to go stuff, it sounds amazing! When I was pregnant with Addie I used cocoa butter- no stretch marks. With Jace I didn't use any- and I got stretch marks. I would definitely recommend using it!!
