Saturday, February 21, 2009

You call that a 5 minute challenge??

My medicine cabnet is located in my closet and is a combination of a bunch of drawers because we don't have an actual cabnet in the house.  I have been dreading getting to this for a long time and almost skipped it this week too, but it came down to the fact that if I did it I would again get all the points for this week, so I went to town.  It didn't take me as long as I thought and I am SO glad it is finished.  
I also can not believe how incredibly easy it is to clean a self cleaning oven!  I am tired of cleaning but actually looking forward to next weeks challenges whatever they might be.


  1. Dang that oven looks amazing! I wish ours had a self clean!!

  2. I was really impressed with the self clean as well. It looks good.
