Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I find that when I don't feel much like working that timers can be my best friend.  I am not sure if it is the obsessive part of me or the competitive part, either way it seems to work.  I will make a list of all the rooms I want to get cleaned in a certain amount of time for example, I might have 6 rooms to clean in 3 hours.  I would then give each room 30 minutes.  Then I will set a timer and work as fast as I can.  When the timer beeps, I leave that room and go to the next one on the list, even if it is not finished.  By the end of the 3 hours all the rooms should be quite a bit cleaner than when I started, even if they are not all the way clean.  If a room gets done before the timer beeps then I will go back to a room that did not get finished.  That way I know when my cleaning time will be done and it seems easier to handle. 

Timers are also handy tools for kids.  I will set a timer and tell them OK, if you can get "such and such" done before the timer you will get to watch a movie.  It really helps them to work hard (sometimes).  I will usually say OK, you have 1/2 hour to clean this room, then set the timer for 25 minutes and tell them when the timer beeps that it is their 5 minute warning.  Then set it again for 5 minutes.

Try timers for you 5 minute challenges also, when the timer beeps you are allowed to quite done or not and get the points!!  Give timers a try this week and let me know if they work for you.


  1. I used timers like crazy in my classroom, I've never used them at home though. I'll have to try it. I am also motivated (compulsive, competitive, whatever) by things like that.

  2. I always love timers. Unfortunately my kids like them, too, so they never last long. Any advise on the type of timers you like best?

    I just bought one a couple weeks ago, maybe I will use it in my cleaning this week.

    Good tip!

  3. That is such a good idea, I've never thought to use them for myself! I'll let you know how it goes.
