Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday's Tip

This is a really simple tip. I know we all get Family Fun magazine and probably the Friend or some other magazines. Well, when I was teaching I would always look through and think, "Wow, that looks fun. I should do that sometime" and then I would close the magazine and forget. Well, I decided to make a binder to keep all those ideas in. When I see an idea in a magazine or on the internet, I rip the pages out (or print them) and 3 hole punch them. I put them in a binder and keep that with my arts and crafts. Then when I am looking for an idea, I can just pull that binder out and it has everything right there. Someday, I'll get tabs and be even more organized (Craft projects, cooking projects, Holiday themes, Science Experiements, etc).


  1. I am in the middle of doing this RIGHT NOW! I bought a file folder and adding tabs. I have way too many old magazines. I keep a bunch in a bag and when I wait for Joe's preschool I rip out the ideas. Great tip!!

  2. This is a good idea, I will have to start one.

  3. great idea! I do the same thing... find an idea then close the mag and forget, I mean. I think I'll start one and get rid of the pile of mags under my coffee table!
