Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pantry Done- Charlotte

This was pretty NASTY!! But now it is done. I moved the cleaning supplies to the linen closet (just don't ask for pictures of that) and added my unopened boxes out of my cupboards. I filled one kitchen garbage sack with trash and a huge pile of old boxes to recycle (the boys can do fold them down for me after school). Do you like the 20 points + 30 if it is done, or would you like a different split (like 30/20 or 25/25?)
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  1. Nice job. Your pantry is huge, that is so awesome. I was actually thinking that we should do the split differently. I was going to say something, but I think it should be 30 for completing and 20 bonus. Just my thoughts.

  2. I guess it does make more sense to have the main part of the points come from doing the project and a smaller amount for the bonus so I am going to vote for 30 for finishing+20 bonus if already done.

  3. Charlotte you should get bonus for a job well done. That pantry was a wreck but looks amazing now!

  4. Wow, what a difference!! I also like 30 for doing it, 20 for bonus. Ok, I am now going to attempt my pantry... here I go... deep breath... I can do it...

    PS I think I am glad I chose this challenge, from the looks of everyone's pantry! :-)
