Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Challenge = Computer Desk and To Be Filled Papers

I figure it is tax return time and I really need to get my taxes filed, but my stack of papers to go through is mounting pretty high and I know I have some important tax documents hiding in there. My to be filed stack sits on my computer so I figured I would throw the computer desk part in for good measure. Not sure how we are doing this but Kim posted weekly challenge and 5 minute challenges last week, so I will post them both this week.

5 Minute Challenges:

TV/Computer Screens
5 Minutes of wall washing
Vacuum under couch cushions
Top of Washer and Dryer
Front Door


  1. Ok, I am going to try very hard to jump in this week. Heaven knows my house needs it!

  2. Ha! It looks like BARLOW is saying he's going to be cleaning the house! Hahahahahaha, oh man, that's a good one!

  3. I did pretty good last week, better than the week before. Here is my score:

    Make Bed-10


    5 Minute-2

    I think that is it...right?


    Two week Total:144

  4. I didn't keep track of my exact score, but I did try to keep it on my mind all week, so I did better than I have in weeks. I actually forced myself to try and straighten up before bed every night, and I had forgotten how good it feels!

  5. I was doing SO good last week. A perfect score was in my future. Then we got bombed with a stomach bug. Abe spent one day very ill, just as he was feeling better, Ken got it, then just as Ken was feeling better I got it. Anyway, it really blew our routine out of the water and I didn't finish the five minutes or the weekly challenge. I did get all my daily except for dishes one time.
