Monday, March 28, 2011


OK everyone we have arrived at our first full month cycle. We will have 4 weeks in this cycle and we are just starting week one TODAY!!

It is Charlotte's turn to assign the Challenges. For the most part I think we are going back to the basics except maybe the following changes. I think the same person should come up with all the challenges in a week, less to keep track of. I also think that the person in charge of challenges can offer 10 bonus points in their week, for example 10 points for posting tips on how to keep under kids beds clean, or bonus points if you watch conference, or write in your journal. What do you think?

Good luck. I am going to try to remember to vacuum. (the daily cleanings can also be adjusted to your person needs. I like the original ones for my house, but if you don't have a lot to vacuum, for instance you could replace it with something is meant to all be personal for your own needs)


  1. I am all for those changes. My goal is to not have any more sick kids!

  2. I am all in for any changes. I hope to be able to keep my house cleaner. It shouldn't be that hard for me to do but it is.
