Monday, August 2, 2010


Don't forget that August starts this week!

A new cycle, a new chance to get the housework done.

I am thinking that Charlotte is going to be very busy getting home and unpacked so I thought I would post a weekly challenge for her (one that should help her out too)

Clean out the Fridge.

Not only is this the challenge this week I am going back to the beginning when we used to post pictures, so I am here by calling for before/after pictures of the fridges. I will go first and I am pretty sure no one has it worse than me.

Those that have the 5 minute and tips for this week DON'T forget!

Also don't forget to put up your goals for this week/month so that you get the points available for them!



  1. TOTAL BONUS POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just cleaned out the fridge for Jessica's baby shower. I get the bonus points right at the start. Tell me that is a very good sign.

  2. Thanks for the reminder! I did really really well today and am so happy with my super clean house (and it is only 8:00 at night, so I can relax!)

  3. I practiced last week and got very close to a perfect score for daily cleaning, so I have high hopes for this week!

  4. So, I was awesome Mon - Thur, but slacked a bit on Fri. Oh Well. Room for improvement.
    Here is my score:
    Sweep: 10
    Vacuum: 4
    Dishes: 3
    Bed: 10
    Scriptures: 10
    5 Min: 2
    Goals: 5
    Mop: 5
    Bathrooms: 5
    Weekly: 0 (I had a hard time with this because Ken cleaned the fridge out last week, but it still needed some work like wiping the drawers and shelves, so I didn't feel like I could take the bonus points, but because it wasn't bad I didn't feel a lot of motivation to do it either. Oh well)
    TOtal: 54
