Monday, May 11, 2009

Week Two

I had a bad housekeeping week, but leaving my house Thurday morning at 9 AM and getting home at midnight was so worth the missing points!! This week here are the assignments:

5 minutes: Andrea
Weekly: Brenda
Tips: Charlotte

Keep track and Happy Cleaning!


  1. Here are my totals for the week:

    Bed: 5+5
    Dishes: 3
    Sweep: 4
    Mop, bathrooms, laundry:15
    5 minutes: 5+5 (if I read my ensign tomorrow)
    Weekly Clean: 30


    77+33= 110

  2. Here is my week. I really tried to clean under my bathroom sinks, but it was just too uncomfortable to reach back there and get things done. Oh well. Otherwise I got all my points.
    Weekly 10 x 5 = 50
    5 min 5 + 5 = 10 {60}
    laundry, mop, bathrooms = 15 {75}
    75 + 61 = 136

  3. Sweep 3
    Vacuum 2
    Dishes 4
    Bed 1
    Scriptures 5 +5
    5 min challenges 2
    mop 0
    laundry 5
    clean bathrooms 5
    weekly challenge 30
    Total 62 (+55) = 117

  4. Vacuum- 10
    Sweep- 3
    Dishes- 3
    Bed- 10
    Scriptures- 3
    Mop- 5
    Bathroom- 5
    Laundry- 5
    Weekly- 50 (woohoo!)
    5 min- 10
    =104 (+24) =128

  5. Make Bed - 10
    Vacuum - 4
    Dishes - 4
    Sweep - 4
    Scriptures - 10
    Mop - 5
    Bathrooms - 5
    Laundry - 0
    Weekly - 30
    5 minute - 0

    Total = 76
    79+76= 155

  6. Ok, so maybe my total was only 72 (oops) so:
    72+79 = 151
