Monday, May 11, 2009

Closets ... a little late.

Here are my closet pictures. They are a little late in posting, but I did clean them in time to get the points! :-)

This was the current nursery closet. It was all Abe's stuff and needed to be not only cleaned, but switched to baby items.

Here it is now! All washed baby blankets and burp cloths. Only baby toys in the baskets. I actually enjoyed going through all my baby things!

This was the Big Boy closet. Ironically holding mostly baby items! It also had my tubs of normal clothes and couple other things that needed to go into the attic.

Here is the Big Boy Closet! I was so relieved to get all his toys and books and clothes moved into his new room. I really wanted him to make the transition before the baby came. I made sure his Webkinz was in the picture for the Laters!


  1. You closets look great! I am so jealous, I REALLY want some of those cube organizers, I love the way they look. When we moved I did about everything I could think of to convince Barlow we needed them, but he still wouldn't let me get them.

  2. We got one of the cubicals for the nursery and have absolutely loved it. There was no doubt that I wanted one in the new room too. They are so handy and I also love how they look. In case it helps your cause, they are on sale at Target this week!
