Monday, May 18, 2009

Week 3

Here are the assignments:

5 Minutes: Kim
Weekly: Charlotte
Tips: Tami

I will have the weekly posted by tonight, but right now I am late for visiting teaching so I gotta go~ Happy Cleaning! Don't forget to post your progress here. Also, with summer approaching, I think we need a plan for points for those vacation days when the cleaning regimen isn't an option. Any ideas?


  1. Perfect score so far this week! My weekly challenge is done, 2/5 5-minute challenges are out for me!

  2. So far all I've missed is scriptures one night. I still have to do the weekly challenge, but the 5 minutes, mopping, bathrooms, and laundry are all done.

  3. I didn't end up with a perfect score, but didn't do to bad. I can't believe I am a week late to post last weeks score. Here goes:
    Sweep: 4
    Dishes: 4
    Vacuum: 4
    Dishes: 4
    5 minute: 4
    laundry: 5
    Mop: 5
    Bathrooms: 5
    Weekly: 30

    Total: 75

  4. Has anyone posted last weeks score?
