Monday, August 20, 2012

Welcome New School Year

I have found that the beginning and end of the school year are the best times to tweak schedules, make goals, and set routines. So with the school year beginning (for us anyway) next week, I've been starting to make my plans.

One thing I've done that I want to share is my cleaning/project to-do list. I'm always thinking of things that need done Some Day, but I rarely make it to this paradisaical Some Day. So I've started making a list.

 I created a word file and changed the fonts & zoom so I can easily read/type it in one view. As I think of things, I add them to the list (prioritizing the list as I go) and save the document again. I then added a shortcut of the file to my desktop. I even downloaded an icon to use with a picture of cleaning supplies.

Now I can easily get to and change that file. I can even cross off the items as I complete them so I get that to-do list high I crave. When I make my fall schedule, I intend to add a "project time" at least once a week (maybe even a small amount daily).

Another thing I added to my desktop shortcuts? Links to my Pinterest recipes. I split them into 4 categories: dinner, bread, breakfast, and desserts. Then I split each of those groups into "to try" and already made and liked. That way I can link to them easily, too. I hope to experiment with one new recipe a week, but that is ambitious for me. Anyway, it will be easier to get to now! (I learned how to change pins to different boards without repinning. I'd be happy to let you know how I did it).

If you need help doing any of these things, too, let me know. I can post a pictorial. Especially since I've learned how to take screen shots.

Anyone else making plans and tweaking schedules? Ready to revamp our blog for motivation?


  1. I'm always ready to revamp the blog and get it going again. I LOVED when we followed through with this and with posting menus and recipes. It was so helpful and motivating to me. I'm impressed with your computer skills. I'm not sure I could do it even with a tutorial! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your tried and liked pin board. I try to have one new recipe per my 2 week planning period.

  2. YES I am ready for a re-vamp! A combination of a bigger house, another mess-making child, regular summertime, and of course my brilliant idea of house training a puppy has spelled disaster for my housekeeping. I feel as if I've just been floating along for months, and I'm ready to feel like I've actually accomplished something!
    Today my goal will be to attempt to get my to-do system back up and running.

  3. I am always ready to re-vamp although I have to keep my house really clean right now because it is on the market. Love keeping clean motivation though.

  4. I'm ready. I am going to try to start a list of things that need done as well and make a goal to do at least one thing on the list every day. I LOVE the pinterest idea and am going to try to do that today as well (if I get everything on my to do list done that is!)

  5. I need all the help I can do with making things on the computer. Please post the help
