Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 2 Assignments

Here they are (better late than never right?)

5 Minute Challenges: Kim

Weekly Challenge: Tami

Tuesday Tips: Charlotte

We are getting a really late start so try to post these as soon as possible so we can get them done!


  1. Sorry. I kept meaning to post these, but never did. Thanks Brenda!

  2. I did good this week. I did everything but laundry (I got it all washed, but not folded and put away.....darn Valentines date.....oh well)

    Total: 105

  3. Oh I forgot there was not weekly challenge last I guess that takes away 30 points right? So my total would then only be 75.

  4. ugh.

    sweep- 2
    vacuum- 3
    bed- 10
    scriptures- 0
    dishes- 2
    bathroom- 5
    laundry- 5
    mop- 5
    goal- 5
    5 min- 4
