Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekly Total 10/24-10/31

I am so proud to show you my weekly challenge pics this week! It took Barlow and I working together to get it done, but it's DONE. And I am praying I can keep it looking this way, since my mom will be sleeping here in a little over a month. Drumroll, please...

Notice that along the way we acquired another monitor. Oh, the joys of living with a geek.
You might also notice that when I took the picture as we started the cleaning, the sun is shining through the window. When we finally finished, it was almost 11pm.
Point Totals:

vacuum- 3
sweep- 10
bed- 4
dishes- 3
scriptures- 2
= 22

weekly- 30
goals- 5
laundry- 5
mop- 5
bathroom- 5
5 min- 3
= 53

Total= 75

This week my weekly challenge will be cleaning the carpets. I got a new cleaner system and I'm really excited to try it out!!


  1. Good job. Pretty sure you won that last cycle.

  2. Awesome! Feels good to know those nights when I REALLY didn't want to stay up and clean were worth it!
