Monday, November 1, 2010

End of cycle/ weekly cleaning/WILLN (Charlotte)

I don't even want to talk about last week.  It was NOT pretty. I did get a lot done, it just wasn't in the housekeeping area of my life.  But Halloween is over and I am ready to start the new cycle!!

Everyone get your totals in for the last cycle (unless you are too embarrassed like I am) and I will announce the winner. I'll even try to get together something to send out as a prize.

Anyway, this week I am already started on my lists.  I have finished the kitchen, mopped the floors, started the laundry and after writing this I'm off to scrub the bathrooms.


My daily goals will be the regular 5. My 5 minute cleans will be
  1. pack 2 boxes 
  2. pack 2 boxes
  3. pack 2 boxes
  4. pack 2 boxes
  5. pack 2 boxes
I figure 5 minutes a day until we move should be good.  Right? I hope so!

My weekly clean, I think, will be my playroom. It is, once again, a mess.


As far a WILLN, let's do the top of the washing machine/dryer.  Mine is always cluttered, even though it seems so easy to clean it off.  Anyone have tips that work for them to keep it clean? Go take a picture of your washing machine/dryer RIGHT NOW before you forget!

I'll wait.

Okay, don't forget to write your weekly goals.  I'm already thinking Christmas...


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