Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 3 Assignments

I figure Charlotte is on Vacation so I will post the assignments right away this week for her (hope your having fun!) Spring is on it's way and it will be great to get some spring cleaning done this week. Good luck and clean hard!

5 Minute Challenges: Andrea

Weekly Challenge: Mom

Tuesday Tips: Brenda


  1. I did ok this week but not great.

    Sweep- 10
    Vacuum- 10
    Dishes- 4
    Make Bed- 10
    Scriptures- 10
    5 Minute Challenges- 4 (unless you count the backrubs that Bryan gave me....and yes I said backrubS with and S, I am so spoiled.)
    Weekly- 30
    Laundry- 0
    Mop- 5
    Bathrooms- 5

    Total: 88

    Grand Total So Far: 273

  2. sweep- 4
    vacuum- 3
    dishes- 4
    bed- 10
    scriptures- 2
    5 min- 10
    goal- 5
    laundry- 5
    mop- 5
    bathrooms- 5
    weekly- 30


  3. Bed = 10
    Sweep = 10
    Scriptures = 10
    Dishes = 10
    Vacuum = 2
    5 min = 2
    Goals = 5
    laundry = 5
    mop = 5
    bathrooms = 5
    weekly = 0 (and I needed to!)
    total = 64
