Monday, February 1, 2010

Assignments- Week 1

Time to start the new cycle!  Don't forget to tally your scores ASAP so we can find the winner.

Also, with a new month it is time to set new monthly goals!

And here are the assignments for this week cycle:

5 Minutes: Brenda
Weekly: Andrea
Tips: Mom

Happy cleaning!


  1. Perfect score this week!! If only the clean-ness had lasted through Sunday... *sigh*


  2. Ok I learned Dad isn't just the love of my life but my motivation also. I did really bad this week.
    Sweep 2
    vacuum 0
    dishes 3
    bed 1
    scriptures 6 (yea for seminary)
    laundry 0
    mop 0
    bathroom 0
    weekly goals 0
    5 minute 2
    Weekly challenge 20 I will take this cause I really need the points. I did dust and polish my table and chairs but it was more like a five minute challenge for me. I even cleaned the bar stools.

    Total 34

    I am embarressed and will get a perfect score this week. (Yeah for Charlotte coming to see me)

  3. Sweep 10
    Vacuum 10
    Dishes 10
    Bed 10
    Scriptures 10
    5 minutes 3
    Weekly Goals 3
    Laundry 5
    Mop 5
    Bathrooms 5
    Weekly Challenge 30


  4. Perfect score for me! That is my first perfect one in a long time and I'm quite pleased with myself!

  5. It took a lot of help from Bryan and the kids but I managed to get all my points again this week. I have to admit I did not do my dishes Sunday night and Monday morning it was awful to wake up to dinner dishes after a month of it not happening. I don't think I will let it happen again if I can help it. It has made a huge difference in my day.

    It was kind of fun to give each of the kids a rag and go to town on the table and chairs, then we took our rags and cleaned walls, then went to the couches upstairs and washed them as well.

    Total: 110

    (by the way....congrats to me for winning last month....since no one else said it.....)

  6. Here is my breakdown:

    Bed 10
    Dishes 10
    Sweep 10
    Vacuum 10
    Scriptures 3
    Goals 5
    Mop 5
    Laundry 5
    Bathrooms 5
    Weekly 30
    5 minutes 4 (stupid junk drawer)

    Total- 97
