Does your dishwasher have one of these?
I've had this dishwasher for almost a year and I just started using this amazing feature. And now it seems like I use it everyday!
Some times I use it:
- When I finish the breakfast dishes while the kids are eating lunch
- When the washing machine is running
- When I am about to take a shower
- When we are about to watch a movie or have company over and don't want the extra noise
- When the kids and I eat dinner before Barlow
- And many more!
Using the delay button has helped me make sure the dishes get washed and are out of the sink. I can't tell you how many times I had a sink full of dishes, but the washing machine was on, and I thought, "I'll do the dishes after the laundry is finished..." And there they sat for the rest of the day. Now, I load the dishwasher, set the delay, and walk away. Voila! Clean dishes AND clean clothes.
If you have this function but rarely use it, consider using it more. If you don't have this wonderful button, consider telling your husband your dishwasher is "broken" and buying a new one.
I love 4 hour delays. Use it all the time. You can start it when it is finally convenient and if you forget, it will run in its own in 4 hours. Also, if you think you will just add a few things later and set it on delay, if you don't get around getting those dishes from the living room, you still have clean dishes the next morning!