Sunday, January 24, 2010

Closet Challenge

This was a huge pride-swallowing challenge for me. When we moved here and Barlow and I got our own closets, I vowed never to clean his. And honestly, if he hadn't just cleaned it out over Christmas break I might have sacrificed the 30 points just so I didn't have to dig through the crap. As it was, it wasn't too bad and my husband now has a nice, organized closet. I even put up some hooks to hang his hats, belts, and ties. Here's a before and after shot.


  1. I love a clean organized closet and that one looks nice. How does yours look?

  2. Me too. Organized closets make me happy. That one looks great Andrea! I spent 2 days on mine and it still isn't how I want it. I'm takin the points since I spent WAY over 30 minutes on it. I need to go buy some more organizers this weeks to finish it off.

  3. Mine looks pretty good. It wasn't too bad to start with, but I did have a big box of Goodwill stuff I dropped off and a little re-folding.
