Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekly Challenge- Beginning 4/28

Looks like Charlotte and I were thinking alike- Your weekly challenge will go hand-in-hand with one of the 5 minute challenges...

Clean your laundry room.

Sweep, mop, reorganize, wipe down those W/D, empty the trash, clean out the lint catcher, etc. Whatever your individual situation calls for. Good luck!


  1. ahh, nice one, I have to say, I should have gotten the bonus here because I just got a new washer and dryer, but alas, I am in the same boat as Andrea's computer desk.

  2. This is great for me. The landlord is having the dryer vent moved to a better location so I need to clean out the area to get ready. I will clean out my laundry closet and the new spot where the dryer is moving. (And, knowing what doing laundry for a large family is like, I figured Brenda would be ready for some cleaning off the washing machine!)

  3. I so love this challenge. Being the laundry nazi has finally paid off. Yeah for mom.
