Monday, April 6, 2009

Summer is Coming!!!!

The weather here has finally climbed up into the 70's this week.  I know some of you have been there for a while and some of you are not quite there.  So that makes me right in the middle so I figure it was a good time to issue this challenge. 

Sort Kids Clothes

You can take this anyway you want, if their dressers need cleaned out you can do that, if you need to do a summer sort to find out what clothes will fit which kids this summer and start pulling them out of storage then do that.  Personally I am going to take on the entire load, which for me means going through ALL my kid clothes, sort them by size and gender, and put the to small or worn out ones away, go through all their dressers and take away clothes that don't fit, pull out summer clothes and donate anything I don't want to keep (NOT just make a donation pile, but actually get them out of the house!)

So there you go.  I would love to get back into posting more pictures on this blog so be prepared to see some crazy before pictures of how awful my kids clothing situation has become.......and then of course how wonderfully organized they become!  Hope you all have a great new month of April!!


  1. Do I automatically get the points because I don't have kids clothes to sort?
    Seems fair to me.

  2. I actually have started this because I'm getting things ready for the new baby, but I still have some to go through. I, like Mom, am going to make Ken go through his clothes too. I went through mine for a clothes drive our ward is doing and had 4 bags worth to donate.

  3. Wow, it took a little longer than I thought it would but it's done! Nice to know I won't have to do that again for a few months.

  4. I did this as much as I could for our situation. We are close to moving Abe into his new Big Boy room, but we don't have a dresser for him yet. So all his clothes are sorted and washed, but the summer clothes are in a bag waiting to be put into the new dresser. The new baby clothes are all washed and folded and ready to go.
