Monday, October 3, 2011

October Week One

I guess I'll start this since no one else has yet!!
Weekly Challenge: Bathtubs / Showers
Five Minute Challenge:
-Clean all the hair and threads out of the roller of your vacuum.
-Post Menu to Recipe Blog
-Clean your toothbrush holders (I just read that they are one of the worst germ breeding grounds in your home)
-Wash 5 minutes worth of windows
-Dust TV and computer screens
I spent all morning cleaning my house so that I'd have a clean slate. I got the upstairs done, but still have a lot of work to do in the basement. I'm ready to win this month though!!

We can keep points for this week on this post.

1 comment:

  1. Good challenges I will start work tomorrow! Ha I have to because I am having company. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
