Saturday, September 18, 2010

Brenda's Bookshelf

This was a tough one. The bookshelf in my bedroom becomes a catch all for things that I don't really know what to do with, along with being the spot for my jewelry box, cell phone charging station, change bowls and books. I was so glad I got it cleaned though. The before picture I took was what it looked like after I cleaned my room, and after looking at it next to the after picture I realized that I have not been cleaning my room very well. I expect my kids to do a better job in their rooms than I have been doing in mine. Guess I should take a closer look at my own bad habits.
I was just wondering if at the end of the cycle if we should update our 4 "what it looks like now" spots to see if we were able to keep them up through the whole cycle. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good plan to me! I spent about 2 hours cleaning my bookshelf. I need to get the picture taken and uploaded.
